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An ordinance requiring grocery stores to pay hazard pay during a pandemic. $4/hr

An ordinance requiring grocery stores to pay hazard pay during a pandemic. $4/hr.

That surely will raise grocery costs in Bellingham and sets an example to other industries. Don't think for a moment that this will only affect Bellingham. This will spread through the county!

Please read the attached draft ordinance. At the very least, urge Council Members to vote NO. So far, we have two no votes, from Knutson and Vargas. The only two moderate voices on Council and both are retiring at the end of this year.

Contact council members:

Hannah Stone

Represents: 1st Ward

Gene Knutson

Represents: 2nd Ward

Daniel Hammill

Represents: 3rd Ward

Pinky Vargas

Represents: 4th Ward

Lisa Anderson

Represents: 5th Ward

Michael Lilliqust

Represents: 6th Ward


Hollie Huthman

Represents: At-Large

Email: ​

Email All Council Members: City Council

Sign up to speak or email council members concerning the hazard pay ordinance at Please tell the Council why this is government overreach, unconstitutional, and will increase the cost of groceries.

The attached is the draft ordinance that will come before the Bellingham City Council,April 26 Monday evening at 7:00 PM.

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